Free Home Delivery on 1000 Taka Purchases
Shop at Retailer BD and get free delivery on all orders over 1000 taka. This offer is valid for all products and all destinations in Uttara, Dhaka-1230.
To avail of this offer, simply add your desired products to your cart and make sure that the total amount is over 1000 taka. Once you have checked out, your order will be shipped free of charge.
This offer is valid for a limited time only, so shop now and take advantage of this great savings!
Here are some additional details about the free delivery offer:
- The offer is valid for all products on Retailer BD.
- The offer is valid for all destinations in Uttara, Dhaka-1230.
- The offer is valid for a limited time only.
- The offer cannot be combined with other offers.
To learn more about the free delivery offer, please visit the Retailer BD website or contact customer service.